Zgłoś nadużycie
Ogłoszenie odwiedzono: 1236 razy.
Ogłoszenie dodano: wtorek, 22 września 2015 Rodzaj pracy: Tymczasowa Pracodawca: Prywatne Tel: Pilnie potrzebne opiekunki/opiekunowie do pracy w Nursing Home na Ealingu.Wymagana znajomość angielskiego i doświadczenie w takiej pracy.Praca na full time (od poniedziałku do niedzieli). Do obowiązków pracownika należy:pomoc w codziennych czynnościach, podawanie posiłków, karmienie itp. Osoby zainteresowane proszone są o przesłanie CV w języku angielskim na adres mailowy: cecile@ghnh.co.uk HOUSEKEEPER (part time) Duties will include general cleaning and ironing , traing will be provided. Work time: 12.5 hours per week Sunday (8:00am to 1pm) and Monday (8:00am to 4:00pm) Salary: To be discussed on interview please send CV to cecile@ghnh.co.uk RGN JOb description Experienced nurse needed to care for elderly residents. All applicants must be qualified and have a current NMC Pin Number and relevant experience. Duties to include: responsible for carrying out all professional duties in accordance with MNC code of professional conduct to formulate care plans for each individual service user and review and evaluate care needs according to stipulated time scales,supervise junior staff, to liaise with relatives, registration authorities and other healthcare professionals as may be required, to give care to each service user which will contribute to a homely, happy and comfortable environment in accordance with individual care plans and to administer prescribed medication in accordance with NMC standarts, Royal Pharmaceutical guidelines and Georgian House medication policies. Applicants will have to provide an enhanced disclosure. Disclosure will be met by the applicants. To apply by email on cecile@ghn.co.uk or phone 0208 567 6232 |
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