Poszukiwany Mechanik/ Technician oraz Mobilny Mechanik/ Mobile Technician
Zgłoś nadużycie
Ogłoszenie odwiedzono: 2151 razy.
Ogłoszenie dodano: poniedziałek, 7 stycznia 2019 Lokalizacja: Londyn Heathrow, Brooklands, Park Royal Rodzaj pracy: Czas nieokreslony Pracodawca: Prywatne Osoba kontaktowa: Jarek Praca jako Mechanik/ Technician, Mobilny Mechanik/ Mobile Technician Poszukujemy chetnych osob do pracy na stanowisko Mechanik Technician oraz Mobile Technician w wiodacej firmie produkujacej samochody elektryczne w serwisach samochodow elektrycznych na Heathrow, Gatwick, London Dartford oraz innych na terenie UK (obecnie Edinburgh, Bristol). Jezeli masz jakies doswiadczenie lub wyksztalcenie zwiazane z praca jako mechanik, nie boisz sie nowych wyzwan oraz poznawania nowych technologii to ta praca jest dla Ciebie stworzona. Ponizej znajdziesz wszystkie wymagania zwiazane z ta oferta. Wymagana znajomosc jezyka angielskiego na poziomie komunikatywnym zarowno w mowie jak i pismie, dobra znajomosc obslugi komputera, sumiennosc oraz dobra organizacja miejsca pracy, umiejetnosc pracy w grupie, prawo jazdy, dobra kultura osobista. Mile widziane posiadanie uprawnien na wozki widlowe. Jezeli jestes zainteresowany prosze wysylac CV w jezyku angielskim wraz z numerem telefonu, adresem email oraz z nazwa miasta gdzie chcialbys podjac prace na adres - anglia_powaga@interia.eu The Role Are you looking for a new challenge, do you want to develop on a daily basis and would you like to work at one of the most progressive brands in the world? This is your chance, because we are looking for a Technician like you. In this position, you will get the opportunity to develop your technical skills via a combination of exciting training programs and an ongoing training on the job, provided by a Senior Technician. You will be working at one of our world class Service Centers; however, you will have the opportunity to travel to other locations to assist and learn when possible and needed. Responsibilities / This is your job • Collaborate with Senior Technicians in their work and through your assistance move towards more complicated tasks as a part of your development. • Work in a team-wide and worldwide capacity, engaging with service technicians and engineers alike to solve problems and establish best practices. • Execute non-high voltage related repair and maintenance without supervision, such as Wheel swaps, Wiper blade replacements, Valet tasks, 4 Wheel alignment, Drive Unit replacements, Basic diagnostics, Body adjustments, AC work. • Follow our guidelines to reach and maintain our ambitious quality level • Inspecting vehicles prior to customer delivery • Support other Service Centers on an as-needed basis • Work on challenging and developing environment that set expectations to you and your deadlines • Operate variety of hand-powered, and motorized shop tools as well as calibrate and inspect equipment. Qualifications / This is you • 3 or 4 year college degree in a mechanical or electrical-related discipline and around 2 years working as a technician in a service/technical field (like; Aeronautics, Engines, Electrical, Ships, Automotive etc.) • A demonstrated ability to learn and adapt to change while delivering exceptional customer service • Ability to cooperate as a dynamic team and perform as a group before your individual contributions. • Good knowledge of Tesla and passion to help carry out our vision • Motivation to work in a high-paced, dynamic environment that constantly evolves to incorporate new technology and methods • A basic command of the English Language • A valid driver’s license What can you expect from Tesla? You will receive on-the-job-training and personal development with the best in the business while being exposed to cutting-edge technology. You will have the chance to make your mark on a company that is changing the way we think about transportation and sustainable energy. This is a key role to provide the best Service in the industry where you will have the chance to service and maintain the world's most innovative fleet. |
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